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Door Guide: Increase In Burglaries In Winter Months

Door Guide: Increase In Burglaries In Winter Months

Historically residential burglaries increase during the winter months and the most likely entry route for a burglar is your door, with 29% coming through the front door and 26% coming through the rear door of your home.

More frightening is the fact that 45% of burglaries in winter occur between 5pm and 11pm, meaning that there is a great chance that you and your family are present in the home when the attempted break-in occurs. This is every home owners’ worst nightmare and so obviously you would want your home to be as secure as possible.

The first question to ask yourself is, “How secure are my entrance doors?” Well, if you have a Palladio composite door installed, then you have already taken the best step to ensure your family’s safety. The strength testing on our doors proves just how tough they are and the force that all of our front and back doors can withstand. We pride ourselves on delivering an outstanding composite door and have recently upgraded our locking mechanisms to stay one step ahead in securing peoples’ homes.

There are, of course, other small measures you can take that will deter burglars such as:

    1. Secure all entrance doors and windows.
    2. Light up your home. Use timer switches when out.
    3. Store keys safely and away from windows and letterboxes.
    4. Record details of valuables and don’t keep large cash amounts at home.
    5. Use your alarm, even when at home.

To see just how impressive the resilience of the Palladio door is, watch our strength test video below.

Never compromise on style or security with Palladio!

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