This month’s spotlight is on CJS Exteriors’ extensive showroom.
The Power Of Palladio
Ever wondered what a composite door is? Have you heard of The Palladio Door Collection?
Door Guide: Increase In Burglaries In Winter Months
Historically residential burglaries increase during the winter months and the most likely entry route for a burglar is your door, with 29% coming through the front door and 26% coming through the rear door of your home. Continue reading
SLJ Windows And Doors
Our installation of January 2021 is by SLJ Windows and Doors.
How To: Protect Your Home From Break-ins
Although many people assume burglaries most often occur at night time, a higher percentage of break-ins happen during daylight hours when people are at work or out of the house and so it is important to secure your home any time you leave.
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