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Daffodil Day!

Daffodil Day!

You cannot resist yourself from smiling when you have daffodils smiling at you!’

And that is exactly what happened at Profile Developments in Glin on Daffodil Day.

Daffodil Day is celebrated on the 24th of March every year. It is the day we take back from cancer.

Profile Developments, manufacturers of The Palladio Door Collection and The Avant Garde Collection, organized a coffee morning and bake sales for its staff in order to support Daffodil Day on Friday, 24th March, at its Glin site. The event was a huge success providing the staff a huge opportunity to socialise, especially after the pandemic. All proceeds from the sales were matched by Profile Developments and will go towards the Irish Cancer Society’s initiatives. An online fundraiser had also been set up.

Cancer comes to many people’s doors- Profile Developments and the Irish Cancer Society are raising funds for when it does.

‘The Irish Cancer Society would like to thank all at Profile Developments for embracing our partnership and showing their support and generosity on Daffodil Day this year. The Irish Cancer Society provides support and care to those with and affected by cancer. Our services are free of charge. And with just 3% government funding, are almost entirely funded through the generosity of the public and Community Business Partners such as Profile Developments. Your incredible support and generosity will continue to bring real benefits to the lives of cancer patients, survivors and their families. Together, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of people affected by cancer’– Mary Murray, Corporate Partnerships at the Irish Cancer Society.

You can share the word or donate here:

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We were also featured in Limerick Post for the same: Limerick Post- Daffodil Day