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How To: Make Your Home Healthier

How To: Make Your Home Healthier

We may travel far and wide because of work or be outdoors for long periods but at the end of the day, our home is our sanctuary- even if you’re renting it.

The pandemic may have forced us to stay indoors for a huge amount of time but that has given us a reason to think about re-doing our homes in hindsight, to say the least. Re-doing doesn’t mean a complete renovation, it could simply mean making your home a healthy, more breathable space. The desire to do this is obvious if you’re spending so much time indoors as it helps improve your and your family’s wellbeing.

How do you make your home healthier then?


Start with the basics: Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule. Daily or weekly, it’s your call. Once the clutter and dust are removed, you’ll have a lot of space to decorate the house the way you want to.


Invest in good quality products: Nobody said that you’ve to burn a hole in your pockets and get the most expensive ones you see in the stores. Expensive doesn’t always guarantee high quality. Look for the certifications that the products come with. If you’re looking to buy furniture, check out the company’s website & reviews. If it’s a thrift store where you’re looking to get your wares from, make sure to clean them well and check that they are durable enough. You wouldn’t want pests or germs in your house, would you?


While we’re seemingly towards the end of the pandemic, one of the things that covid-infected homes have taught, time and again, is to disinfect. Hoovering is the key- Keep the allergens and pests at bay.


Go artsy: Get some indoor plants as that would help circulate fresh oxygen indoors. Browse online for artsy stuff, or turn into a DIY artist yourself and indulge in some creativity. Play with colours and fabrics. Get air purifiers or diffusers to spread some fragrance throughout the day. Being minimalistic is also a form of art.


Maintain bin hygiene: Take it as a daily task that needs to be done on time without fail, just like eating. As someone once said, ‘cleaning & organising is a practice, not a project’.


Invest in superior quality doors for the front and back of your house: One of the many benefits of having a Palladio door is that they have a unique structure and come with a natural colour, which doesn’t fade, warp or rust. A good door will let the natural light indoors that will help boost vitamin D, which is vital for your body. A good door is also energy-efficient, which will trap the heat indoors.


The natural light will also help you get rid of the dust better that’ll keep the allergens and bad bacteria away. Research states that good natural light boosts productivity, improves your mood and automatically helps you feel rested.


Get smart: AI devices are the talk of the town! Smart home systems that run on this artificial intelligence help you reduce the energy bills so that you don’t have to worry about spending a fortune on them. A recent Houzz study states that 1 in 4 homeowners consider purchasing a technologically-efficient house that comes with smart devices to aid in the maintenance of the house. It’s hassle-free once you know the benefits and purposes of them.


But also, save electricity: With houses being so modern and well kept, one of the oft-forgotten things is to conserve. Turn off the devices when not in use. Ask your smart home assistant device to do it for you. You could also take the extra step and unplug the appliances from the socket. During winter, a large chunk of energy is consumed to keep the home warm. Your house may turn warm but that doesn’t mean it would be healthy. Manage your thermostat accordingly. Conduct regular radiator and boiler checks. A stitch in time may help you save loads. Some local or regional governments now offer grants if your homes meet their energy efficiency requirements.


Remember the 3Rs: Reduce the waste and the clutter. Reuse the old stuff. Lookup for DIY inspiration that makes the most of your old belongings. Finish the job at hand before embarking on a new one. While it is good to multitask, incomplete projects will add to the clutter and make your mind uneasy. Recycle the rest- dispose of them off properly.


Chalk down a plan or at least have a mental outline of what you’re supposed to be doing. Perfection is subjective and you should do what makes you happy.


Remember, a healthy home is a happy home!