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Is Your Front Door Instagram-worthy?

Is Your Front Door Instagram-worthy?

Looking for something that will enhance your home? You often find yourself searching on Instagram or Pinterest before Google for some inspiration.

In an age where social media is such an indispensable part of our lives, where our mornings begin with us scrolling through our social media feed to see ‘who has posted what’, you need to be on the top of your game if you want to stand out from the rest.

Home is where the heart is; home is where the WiFi connects. 

Wouldn’t you like to make your home stand out from the rest?

Make a statement by making an entrance.

Ask yourself: Is your front door Instagram-worthy?

Type in: #frontdoor or #frontdoors on the search bar on Instagram and let the posts tell you whether or not your door is social-media approved.

Your front door makes a statement about your home. The entrance is what sets the first impression. People who turn up at your doorstep will be seconds away from deciding whether they like your home or not.

If it is social media envy, kudos to you, but there’s always room for improvement. However, if your door isn’t exactly a #prettydoor, here’s what you could do:

For starters, pick a colour. Grey, Black or White doors are considered timeless and elegant. Make a statement with the external colour of the door. You can have white or cream on the inside to match the interior of your house but it is the external door colour that will set you apart from other houses around you. Choose something that will captivate the eye from miles away.

However, if you feel that they are too monotonous, splash around with trending shades such as Chartwell Green, Light Oak, Blue, Green, or something darker – Red.

Enhance your kerb appeal and house exterior with potted plants. You don’t have to have green fingers, choose plants that require very little maintenance. Some flowery plants may do the trick.

Next up is the wreath. It doesn’t have to be Easter or Christmas to hang a wreath. YouTube or even Instagram reels will teach you how to do your own wreath with leaves, fruits, toys, flowers and basically anything else that you have to hand.

If all these still seem to be a bit too much given your hectic schedule, start by cleaning your door and the surrounds. While a strong door like the Palladio or Avant Garde door requires low maintenance, it will do no harm to wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

Your front door can definitely make a grand entrance. Stop and pose for pictures in front of it. After all, people these days are crazy for the #ootd or some festive snaps.

With The Palladio Door Collection, keep your worries at bay. Not only will you have a secure front door but also a beautiful, stylish door. Available in 31+ styles in 16 colours with The Avant Garde Collection available in 9 styles in 16 colours, there are plenty of stylish Instagrammable doors for you to choose from.

Post your front door pictures now. Pull out all the stops and get going!

Design your door today using our free online door designer tool here or browse through our gallery for some inspo.