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Door Guide: Top Tips For A Hallway Makeover

Door Guide: Top Tips For A Hallway Makeover

We’re halfway through 2024 is almost up and while the world continues to evolve with each passing day, our home also should. Perhaps it’s time to consider a home entrance makeover.

Your front door is a gateway and what lies beyond it is a realm of happiness for you and your family. The passage or the entryway, hallway, corridor, or however you’d like to call it, is more than just a place to pass through or leave your shoes at. It’s the most exterior part of your home’s interior, the first place that you come in contact with once you put in the key in the front door and leave your shopping in.

Your surroundings can get a bit mundane if you’re working from home. Even if you aren’t, you might want to usher in changes to your entranceway. It doesn’t have to be fancy or extravagant, makeovers can happen by following some simple steps.

Have a clear outline of what you want to achieve with this makeover and the resources that you’d need. While there’s no pressure on getting the job done, putting a date on it might motivate you to get it done faster resulting in a quicker outcome.

Proceed by clearing the clutter. This is one of the basic and recommended steps towards having an improved home. The space should be free of any unnecessary items- it should be breathable and allow free movement without the fear of bumping into something when you’re hurrying out the door.

Author Seth Cohen has aptly said, ‘When your home is filled with unnecessary junk and things you never use, it puts you in a mindset that you need more and more stuff rather than simply learning to appreciate what you already own and getting the most of items you have already bought.’

You could organise a yard sale or give away some of the things that are in good shape to charity shops or recycling centres. You could even choose to store it in your attic or storage rooms and can then recycle the fashion over the months.

Once the clutter is cleared, you’ll automatically sense the freshness in the ambience. However, if you find yourself in a fix when it comes to deciding what to throw out and what not to, you’re not alone. You could always replace the existing homeware. For instance, replacing the carpet or the rug would bring in warmth. While the majority of houses have marble or wooden flooring, having some material to walk on adds an extra feel to the entranceway. If you don’t have a rug already, perhaps it’s time for you to invest in one.

You can add in a stool or a bench if space and budget permit as it’s easy for you to put your shoes on while seated. Obviously, you don’t want to be dragging a chair out of the dining room or for those who are particular about keeping the outside shoes, outside.

The colour that you choose on the interior of your front door adds a great deal to the entire home makeover equation. While it’s often difficult to visualise what a certain shade might look like on a particular style of door, with the Palladio door designer, this worry is kept at bay. The Palladio door designer allows you to design and visualise your dream door on a picture of your home, not just the outside but also the inside.

Try it here: Door Designer

You can add layers to your hallway by having a false ceiling embedded with halogen light bulbs that are quite in vogue, again, if your budget permits. If spending on a false ceiling might not look feasible or maybe against your ideas of doing a makeover, revisit that in the future. You can add a lampshade or exchange an existing one for a size bigger/ smaller than what you currently have to help enhance the hallway further.

Time to focus on the walls. Hacks such as using contrasts or light colours can make any space look bigger than it actually is. Shades such as off-white, ochre-yellow, beige, cream, coffee, light grey, or sage green can make a statement not only to your hallway but also to your overall home interiors.

If you want to take it up a further notch, hang a few pictures on the walls or get in a few mirrors. One giant mirror might also do the trick.

What other things could be put in the hallway?

You can then add in a few homeware products such as indoor potted plants, shoe racks, a welcome mat and perhaps an air diffuser. People are big into DIY these days and if you feel confident enough, you can add some DIY homeware to your hallway.

These are only tips and decorating or re-decorating any space is rather subjective. You don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket just because your neighbour is doing an upgrade or someone you came across on social media is. While minimalism is the talk of the town, it might be no harm to unleash your creativity and experiment with colours or a few accessories. It’s your home and hallway, ultimately you can choose what suits your taste and what works best for your lifestyle.

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